”Iights up!”
Welcome dear guest.
I primarily work with lighting design for theatre.
Besides that, I work with all forms of lighting-assignments within the arts and cultural field.
Depending on the job, the creative thoughts are typically shared between me and a set designer, director, producer, choreographer, musician, architect, art designer etc.
I’ve worked as a lighting designer since 2004.
Danish is my native language, but besides names and titles that could not be translated, I keep this site in English.
If you have any questions or need a more detailed cv, please just contact me.
All the best
Sonja Lea
Lighting designer.
Programmer and board operator at the Royal Danish Playhouse.
Part time teacher since 2012 at NEXT Copenhagen (Theatre, Tv and film technician education).
Boardmember in LOF (Lysdesignernes Ophavsretsforvaltning/ The lighting designers’ copyright management).
Boardmember of the networkgroup “theatre and museumstechnicians” in Teknisk Landsforening (The Danish Association of Professional Technicians).